07/1 - A long way to go I haven't done much for four months. It's mostly due to a faulty organization system. I've also been busy with uni. I'd love to do a redesign.
09/9 - To myself: pen and paper And doing without all that modern "workflow" system... learning is not working and it takes time, it's a process that cannot be optimized because we are not machines. Read, reread maybe, and write something on paper.
07/9 - The best article never written The biggest obstacle to writing is setting with the intention of writing something good. Well, I cannot write something good, literally. I've come up with many topics, ideas, layouts ecc... Nothing is good enough, perfect enough to warrant an article in it's own right. The problem is not the topic itself but the attitude. Someone noted the upside of choosing unattainable goals: you can never make it - and you can take comfort in that.
06/9 - Insomnia Feel like there's too much to do? I'm wrestling with time like Jacob but it's a losing fight. Oh to envy the animals, grazing in blissful forgetfulness.

There is really to much to do. I'd like to print a magazine and the color palette of the blog is still a bit off.
05/9 - Lacan Listening to Bruce Fink on Lacan. He suggests reading Freud's "The interpretation of dreams" and the "Lectures on psychoanalysis", then start with the "Seminars" and keep the "Écrits" for last.

It would be good to structure a path of lectures to follow from x to y. Lacan, for instance, commands Hegel, Kant, Freud... Understanding an author is not an isolated process in fact; i figure one's going to pick up on some Hediegger from Lacan, it's much needed. The same process applies when learning an instrument, there's some kind of notation and some kind of theory to grasp and it's all part of the same package.
04/9 - New month, nothing new. Been updating the site, now it looks more intentional... I'll work on the blog instead. How do people write here? It's hard.