Here is my dream journal... I've kept various over the years but I've never got really far - I developed a stronger dream recall but I've now lost it - so maybe here I can trick myself into a more stringent commitment.
18/01 - Flashes of yesterday
I was returning home after a day in Uni, it must have been quite late in the afternoon. I could clearly see the corridor ending in three different rooms. There were some decorations, like noise, and a bookshelf on the left. A faint gray light was coming from outside and I felt rather tired. I looked at the door in front of me - there never was such door - and it was made of glass with a light colored wooden frame. It was half closed and I could tell there were people inside, talking. «That's weird» I thought reflecting on the fact that my two roommates where in the same room. I look on for a second then turn left into my room. While the bed and the window were in the same position as the one I lived in last year I could tell that the room was definitely narrower. I throw the things I had on the floor and I sit on the bed.